Friday 10 April 2015

SEO for Beginners: The Method Behind the Mayhem

To ensure the authenticity and reliability of websites, Google came up with algorithms that “crawl” a site’s pages and evaluate these pages for indicators that the site provides value to users or not. These indicators include content, traffic, domain age, keywords, backlinks, and more.
SEO is all about making sure those algorithms are happy with your indicators. Unfortunately, SEO is not a one-time deal. Google constantly updates its algorithms, and you need to keep up with these changes if you don’t want your SEO methods rendered obsolete. Once the latter happens, your name won’t be the first thing your customers would see when they search for your products or services.
The most important thing to remember about Google’s ultimate goal is to serve users with the most useful and relevant search results possible, and the Google updates are mainly geared toward this goal. With that in mind, the most useful thing you can do is to create content that audience will find useful. If you provide content that people actually read, then it’s likely that you’ll get ranked higher in Google.
The key is to build a relationship with your audience, and doing so means much more than just text nowadays. Therefore, you need to learn to start using videos, audio, images—virtually any online media tool that you can use. The better you use these tools, the more your content would get shared, and the more Google would favour your site over others.

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